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Currently Recruiting Students

Research Opportunities in the Life-Science Pedagogy Lab

Posted Spring 2023

Ph.D. Students
for 2024/2025 start

Welcoming expressions of interest in pursuing a Ph.D. with a focus in Life-Science Pedagogy. Students should have prior graduate-level experience in educational research, with a background in science.


Co-supervision opportunities may be available within or outside of the Department of Biochemistry including in the Faculty of Education. Note: students should have potential co-supervisors identified.

Updated Spring 2023

Master's Students

Master's positions are currently filled

Posted Spring 2023

Honours Students

Welcoming expressions of interest for Biochemistry students who would like to complete an honours in Life-Science Pedagogy (B.Sc. (HONS) in Biochemistry, with Life-Science Pedagogy as dissertation option).


Welcoming expressions of interest from students from other departments for  co-supervision of a honours project that involves Life-Science Pedagogy. Note: students should have potential co-supervisors and honours program identified in their home department.

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