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Long-term Retention & Knowledge Transfer

Most research around learning and retention has been conducted in controlled settings with a focus on simple recall and memorization. Little research has focused on Higher Education (HE), or on the life-sciences. Yet there is a need in HE to understand how to foster long-term application of knowledge and transfer between topics, courses, and real-life contexts. Without this, students move through programs not fully understanding how topics are connected, not carrying knowledge and skills forward into new courses, and they are unable to apply what they have learned in real-world contexts.

Areas of Interest

Exploration of the factors that lead to successful long-term learning in Higher Education, particularly in biochemistry and nutrition, and other Life-Science disciplines. 


The impact of strategies used for long-term recall (memory), including effortful practice, spacing, and interleaving, on long-term application and transfer of complex knowledge in Life-Science disciplines.


Examining the role of metacognition in long-term retention, particularly the role of metacognitive experience on judgments of learning, self-efficacy, and motivation towards strategies for long-term retention.


The impact of student health and lifestyle on various aspects of learning (e.g., illness and class attendance, nutrition and academic achievement, exercise and learning retention, etc.)

Updated Fall 2022

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